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Strictly Come Dancing 3 and 4 – Dunwoody done

Tweet Strictly Come Dancing 3/4: 25th-26th September A weekend of small pleasures on Strictly: Alesha’s unpompous likeability proceeds neck and neck with the bland inanity of her judicial comments such as – “I like the way you move across the floor”; “you really tried, I commend you for trying hard”; “that really was a beautiful […]

Essex girl struggles to make good

Tweet Fish Tank – Andrea Arnold I’m bemused, bewildered and to be honest, bloody angry. What is the widespread acclaim and exaggerated praise for this movie all about? OK, I’m sorry that feisty, attractive 15 year-old Mia’s mother is a dysfunctional, feckless waste of space. I understand that makes Mia conflicted and angry enough to […]

Dawn of the forlorn Prawn

Tweet District 9 – Neill Blomkamp The science is risible: the fiction banal. District 9 is a good B movie with pretensions; and like all good B movies, it rattles along at a pace fast enough for you to almost forgive the cheap n’ cheerful costumes, make-up, special effects and frequently clunky dialogue. A docu-drama, […]

Walnuts, thighs, doing a ‘hockey stick’ and watching your core

Tweet Strictly Come Dancing 2 – BBC Saturday 19th September Is Strictly, strictly, ‘reality’ TV? I pose the question because it seems to me that those occasions like the first programme on Friday when it is easiest to write about, are precisely those where the ‘reality’ element is strong. On Friday pretty much everybody was […]

They came: they danced: they “gave it their hole”

Tweet Strictly Come Dancing 1 – BBC: September 18th The Exorcist has many scary scenes: but none more than when Satanically possessed schoolgirl Linda Blair’s head rotates anti-clockwise through a full 360º. Old Nick seems to have worked the same trick on the professional guy dancers on Strictly: I swear the top halves and the […]

Addictively Plum Prancing – BBC Friday 18th Sept

Tweet Strictly Come Dancing – BBC Heads up Friday 18th Sept 2009 Nicknames may change according to circumstances Dancers Ali ‘Old Bill’ Bastian – Brian ‘Snakehips’ Fortuna Lynda ‘Gravyboat’ Bellingham – Darren ‘Gordon’ Bennett Kristina ‘Serge’ Rihanoff – Joe (I’m not taking the p*** with this one) Calzaghe Natalie (Hopalong) Cassidy – Vincente ‘Where my […]

War – the ‘Lethal Custom’ E.O.D, I.E.D.s

Tweet The Hurt Locker – Kathryn Bigelow Maybe my last war film: willingly seen. As a reviewer I guess I may need to go to future war movies: but I am weary of them. It has all been said. War is a hell that offers the ultimate challenge to a certain concept of courage – […]