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A Liberal decalogue – Bertrand Russell Not to replace the old one – to supplement it

Tweet    A LIBERAL DECALOGUE by Bertrand Russell   Not intended to replace the old one but only to supplement it   Do not feel absolutely certain of anything. Do not think it worthwhile to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light. Never try to discourage thinking for you […]

Camus and Science – The Myth of Sisyphus (1942) Higgs, Bosun, CERN

Tweet    With the excitement and furore surrounding the CERN experiments and the Higgs Bosun particle, this seemed an apt thought – written almost 70 years ago. Camus and Science – The Myth of Sisyphus  (1942)   “And here are trees and I know their gnarled surface, water and I feel its taste.  These scents […]

Movie: New Year’s Eve – Pension Pot Movie. Review in 3 Acts.

Tweet    New Year’s Eve – Garry Marshall A Pension Pot movie manufactured in 3 Acts Act 1 Scene: Office of an imaginary New Year’s Eve Executive Producer: not the real one Diana Pokorny. (I tremble at the possibilities of nicknames here: do your own thing and I’ll save the legal costs). Somewhere in Hollywood – early morning. […]

Poem: Just Words – A ‘found’ poem after Wittgenstein

Tweet    “It is not how the world is that is mystical, but that it is” Ludwig Wittgenstein   Just Words (A ‘found’ Poem) The world is all that is the case the totality of facts not things The limits of my language are the limits of my world I know what you’re thinking makes sense […]

BBC Strictly Come Dancing – Artem and his Buddy Holly Go Lightly

Tweet    Strictly Come Dancing – Artem and his Buddy Holly Go Lightly Jason survived the COTS – Curse Of the Samba – just: thanks to an Argentine Tango performance from Kristina bordering on demonic. If this wild woman of dance gets any hotter, Jason will have to dance the final wearing oven gloves. Truth […]

Another Earth – Cosmological Conundrum of other selves and other universes

Tweet      Another Earth – Mike Cahill Oddly compelling, this ingenious, absorbing little film was probably made for about the cost of the soft drinks budget on the upcoming Mission Impossible movie. Proof positive that when you have imagination, talent, a clever idea and the commitment to develop it properly, then to film it well, you […]

Poem: Summer Snow – High in the Mountains where the glacial skier rides…

Tweet    http://www.riverstonegallery.com   (Inspired by the work of Buffy Sainte Marie)   Summer Snow   Born on the plains by the open restless sea the summer snow was calling me But the past was a place to visit and a hopeless place to be   I rode through the lowlands into the hills on […]

Poem: ‘I’ – The I that thinks is an illusion, the ‘I’ that wills is not

Tweet      ‘ I’ The I that thinks is an illusion the I that wills is not the I that’s not to blame because of childhood shame is just a victim’s lot In a movie I forget the frame In the world there is no frame to see I am my perspective the self […]

The Well-Digger’s Daughter (La fille du puisatier) – Daniel Auteuil.

Tweet      The Well-Digger’s Daughter – Daniel Auteuil Lyrical, romantic, with a lightness of touch quintessentially French, this is a delightful study in Provencal rural manners over a single summer just as WWII is about to break out. A time of innocence and old verities, a simple tale of love, honour and respect is […]

BBC Strictly Come Dancing – Savage Cuts at the BBC. Rockin’ Robbie goes

Tweet    Strictly Come Dancing – Savage Cuts at the BBC   Rockin’ Robbie takes his leave. Like most of the celebs on the show Robbie Savage has improved enormously over the weeks. His dancing has got better too. Obviously subdued and genuinely upset about the suicide this week of his friend and fellow player […]