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Women Bishops – A complete no-brainer rejected by lay women

Tweet      Women Bishops   Who shall chronicle the fevered incestuous petty politics of the present Anglican Church now that C.P.Snow is no longer with us? If women Priests are today justifiably, angry, frustrated and disappointed; gay Christians must be in despair. This dispute has about as much to do with the exemplary life […]

The Abuse of Children – a problem for men and women

Tweet     The Abuse of Children   The protection of children from all kinds of abuse is a responsibility we all share as parents or good neighbours and citizens. Beyond that it is the business of law-makers, police and social agencies. But conspicuously absent in the national debate about this pattern of behaviour are […]

Performance Related Pay – Expensive, misguided and ineffective

Tweet    PERFORMANCE RELATED PAY Performance related pay presents expensive, counter-productive practical problems. It also offers a superficial concept of reward and recognition and a profoundly misguided understanding of the personal and social value of work. It denies and rejects the extraordinary power of unity and self-motivation in a common cause so inspirationally demonstrated during […]

The Trouble With Harry – Las Vegas Notebook

Tweet     The Trouble With Harry – Las Vegas Notebook I was, until this week, blissfully unaware that my life experience was deficient in the cavorting department.  I feel cheated.  Challenged.  I’m panicking.   Is it compulsory?  A civic duty?   Do I need an ‘excused cavorting’ note?  Can I get it on the National Health? […]

LETTER – Dr Rowan Williams: Archbishop of Canterbury

Tweet      LETTER   Dr Rowan Williams   I do not for one moment doubt Dr Williams’ sincerity or spirituality. Indeed he has the authentic demeanour of a truly holy man. But why in God’s name did he accept the office he is about to vacate? He is Primate of an Established Church with the democratic […]

OPEN LETTER – Ailing Western Democracies Must Be Reformed

Tweet    Ailing Democracies must be Reformed   Even before MP’s expenses, Credit Crunch, Recession and Deficit Reduction Western democracy was in crisis. Implacable partisanship and polarised ideology has rendered the US political system dysfunctional and impotent before globally based problems. In the UK, decades of Political incompetence in managing and delivering cost effective social […]

The Apprentice – The Final: Yas you’re hired!

Tweet The Apprentice – Week 12: The Final Capitalism is a paradoxical system. Sralan expressed it perfectly if unwittingly as I’m not sure he has much taste for irony. In an evenly balanced contest according to Sralan both women got it almost right. Kate won the personal presentation, her three-tiered box of ‘one for her, […]

Lord Sugar of Lump?

TweetWhat’s it to be do you think? Lord Sugar of Lump? If Sir Alan is going to be the Enterprise Czar – will he outrank Spock and Kirk? Gordon Brown and Sir Alan Sugar With Apologies to The Rolling Stones If Brown, Sugar can’t get no Satisfaction, Between a Rock And A Hard Place they’ll […]

Oscars 2009 – Update: Bumblog Squillionaire cleans up

TweetOscar 2009 – Update Well my predictions just get worse. Glad I was wrong about Kate. Thrilled I was right about Man On Wire – if you haven’t seen it, make sure you do. Inspirational. I’m as disappointed about Benjamin Button as I was in 2006 when Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s masterly Babel was also virtually […]

President-elect Obama – Inauguration – a letter to America

TweetThe Inauguration of President-elect Obama – a world, not just American celebration. The celebration of president elect Obama’s inauguration will be shared by the world. Its ethnic and racial symbolism touches all nations, all people. A black US President will mark though not an end, a key milestone on the civilising journey from slavery and […]