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Another Spring – Poem

Tweet    Another Spring Age is like a non-returning Spring full of passion that will not be satisfied full of hope that will not be fulfilled full of love that will not be returned full of life that will not be survived And full of longing for another Summer, Autumn, Winter and yes, oh yes […]

Pete Seeger: 1919 – 2014 RIP

Tweet      If I had a hammer Where Have all the flowers gone? We Shall Overcome   Pete Seeger A fine soul passed today returning to the earth he loved and graced He hammered out freedom He hammered out justice no guns just roses this gentle gentleman embraced We are the better for his […]

Remember – Sunday 10/11/13

Tweet    Remember We owe a debt to those who risk and sometimes give their lives to protect us and we must discharge it But to celebrate with equal circumstance those who simply kill in our name corrupts true gallantry And when we know as sadly know we do that corrupting souls assassins makes we […]

Poem – The Visitor: Did you visit me dark angel…..

Tweet      The Visitor Did you visit me dark angel did you whisper did you call do you come unbidden does my will do my choices make a difference to anything at all I am not my body I am not my brain and though these may become no more I shall still remain […]

Trust The Wind – Poem: like the eagle obey nature to command her

Tweet  One day of the condor Trust The Wind I offered you the chance to fly the high places where the cool clean air bathes the unstepped unspoilt heights in the purity of life Where love in the ecstasy of weightlessness can breathe the eternity of a timeless present shared You flew trusting me wing […]

Poem: 12th of November – next day thoughts on Remembrance Day

Tweet      12th of November Too many flags Too many wreaths flying and furled circles and sheaths symbols of power and Babel’s tower Too many widows Too much unsolaced grief Too many pipes Too many drums militant skirl bellicose beat marching in lines laying down mines Too wedded to war To demand that peace […]

Remembrance Day – Another kind of respect

Tweet                         Forget Me Not   Remembrance Day Etched in unforgiving stone The Glorious Dead implacable stands alone washed in rain and bitter tears blood red poppies do not atone across the bitter years the sadness and the loss As each November nears we mourn our honoured dead with military pomp and easy prayers power […]

Poem: Memorial Ground Zero – 26th October 2012 24 hours before Hurricane Sandy Hit

Tweet        Memorial Ground Zero– 26th October 2012 So many many names so many many lives no more Names of every race every faith and every creed make this place this precious space satisfy a sacred need There was a Jesus a Mohammad too the paradox of belief perplexes us faith that sustains […]

Poem: Houla

Tweet    Houla Thirty-two divides time and time again to a perfect one Yet here there are none all are lost, all gone the maths of massacre just does not add up it only takes away Their deaths dishonour us silent in a guilt wherein lies are built We are all now less deaf to […]

Poem: The Lion – Love, loss and time

Tweet the eyes of time The Lion He is an old lion but he still kills his own food The old lion lies languidly before another parting sun He has watered he has fed Contentedly he stretches to his full still powerful extent He has hunted the guile of age disdaining the extravagance of youthful […]